The Former "show me the spider" Brown Recluse Challenge
Rick Vetter
Department of Entomology, University of California, Riverside, CA
From May of 2000 to January 2005, on this website was an offer to identify spiders that were thought to be brown recluses. I have tried to find all the links on my websites that directed you here for brown recluse identifications but may have missed one or two or there may be other people who have linked to this former site.
The study is over and I am no longer accepting specimens from the general public.
Please respect my wishes and do not send any more spiders
You may still contact me to see if I am willing to help you if you are:
- A member of the medical community
- Looking for spider identification in association with a medical condition
- A pest control operator who needs assistance with spider identification related to brown recluse issues
- Other official federal or state personnel needing help for non-personal issues on brown recluse issues
Please respect my restrictions here because due to changes caused by the California budget crises, I can no longer accept the many spider identification requests from the entire country as I am now shifted to other projects. However, the few cases mentioned above should be few per year and I feel that I should be able to handle them as long as I am contacted first.